Tota Earrings


This hand-craved soft stone piece beautifully embodies the timeless allure of the iconic parrot. Handcrafted by skilled artisans in Odisha.

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Skilled stone artisans in Odisha, have expertly crafted this captivating parrot earring. They’ve meticulously carved this piece from soft grey stone, skilfully capturing the parrot’s form. This piece beautifully embodying the timeless allure of this iconic bird. The stone’s uniqueness, native to Odisha, adds a touch of mystique to the earring. When you adorn yourself with this masterpiece, you not only embrace elegance but also carry a piece of Odisha’s rich cultural heritage. This earring serves as a testament to the stone artisans’ artistry, as they transform stone into a wearable masterpiece.

Weight .025 kg
Dimensions 3 × 0.3 cm
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